Admissions to Thomas Rest Haven
Our Facility provides short term skilled care as well as long term 24 hour nursing care.
If you are interested in touring the facility or are looking for information about your options contact our team and we will be glad to help!
Rachel Hofbauer, Social Services Designee by calling (712) 999-2253 or sending a message to [email protected].
Crystal Thomas, Director of Nurses, by calling (712) 999-2253 or sending a message to [email protected].
General Steps Prior to Nursing Home Admission:
1) A History and Physical for potential resident from primary physician within the last 30 days.
2) A date/time for us to meet potential resident and get to know them personally.
3) Medical insurance information. We are happy to provide information about our services, payment for services, and other considerations that come with the decision for admission to our facility. We do accept Nursing Home Medicaid as payment for Long Term ICF Care.
4) Things to Bring when moving into the facility.